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Happy New year! Did you set your intentions and goals for 2018? If you haven’t yet, click here to start. Was eating healthier and working out one of your intentions? New Year New you!? No matter what time of year it is, I believe a juice cleanse is a great way to reset and create some consciousness around eating.
The holidays are a particularly tough time of year for extra eating and getting off track with my usual planned home cooked healthy meals and meal prepping. The hustle and bustle of events and activities, parties, potlucks, cookies exchanges, other people’s cookie exchanges, office lunches and then more parties makes it an easy time to slip into a spiral of poor food choices. I believe in moderation and indulging yourself, but I was consistently making choices that didn’t support my journey to best health when I decided to try the three day Nekter juice cleanse.
A great way to kick start healthy eating (any time of year) is a juice cleanse. Nekter is a local company in San Diego (you can order online and they ship). They make it really easy by planning the cleanse for you (this is KEY for me as I’ve tried to make my own juices and it ends up being more expensive and MESSY). My friend had tried Nekter and was raving about how good she felt, so I tried it and want to share the results with you if it’s something you’ve been thinking about trying. They also have some great specials right now so that makes it easier to swallow (hehe) with these prices as many can be expensive!
I choose the three day cleanse (you can do as many, up to seven days, or few as you choose). I’ll be honest, I was a little nervous as I have never refrained from eating solid food for 3 days straight….ever. I was skeptical about this cleanse based on my will power and my initial thought was, “but how will I live without ice cream!?” That’s exactly why I felt I should try it. I need a jump start to a healthier me and there’s no better time to start than now, right?

The Plan (3 Day Cleanse):
- Drink 6 juices per day (all pre-planned and easily labelled per day) made from all fresh ingredients
- I ordered ahead (three days in advance) on a Friday for a Monday start date
- The Friday before I started I tried to consume less processed food, dairy and caffeine (that was a doozy for me) to make the process easier. Post-cleanse I also did the same to ease back into normal eating
- See common FAQ’s about the cleanse here
How it Went:
The three day cleanse actually went very well! The things I noticed most were:
- I was hungry every 2-3 hours and I would drink a liter of water + the juice and feel pretty good until the next 2 hours when I would then do the same thing again.
- Each day I had about 3 cups of coffee total and had no headaches or issues, I actually didn’t want to drink as much (I usually drink about 7 cups a day, it’s crazy, I know I know..).
- I did work out the first day because I had a lot of food in my system from the day before. Not sure I would recommend it though. I did not work out the remaining two days of the cleanse.
- I loved the flavors, they have a great variety for the 3 days. The last one each day had nutmeg and vanilla and was rich and creamy like a dessert. I looked forward to it each evening!
Suggestions to make your cleanse experience easier:
- Try to avoid scheduling any group lunches or dinners while you’re cleansing. Sounds obvious but, I had work dinner one night that came up last minute that I could NOT avoid and it was painful seeing all the food and smelling it….that was the hardest part.
- Try to avoid looking at food accounts on Instagram during the cleanse, seeing all the food did make me hungry so I avoided that.
Overall Thoughts:
I felt great after the cleanse. I would definitely suggest it if you want to jump start feeling better and creating better eating habits. Even after the cleanse I’m still making better choices than I was before the cleanse. I’m actually trying to practice better moderation with treats like cake, chips and ice cream! So I’m taking it one day at a time, trying to make an effort to eat better, and when I do, I definitely feel better.
The biggest learning through this process for me was a sense of awareness and consciousness to what I do eat. This has helped me pause when I want to grab something and think about if I “NEED” it and or if I’m actually hungry and it allows the temtation to pass.
The biggest win, so far my coffee consumption is down to 3 cups a day from 7 or 8, that is HUGE for me!

Here’s your Bicoastal Beauty Tip of the week:
Jumpstart your health this month for a discount! Use code “Kellie10” and sign up for the newsletter for 10% off your 1 or 2 day cleanse with Nekter Juice.
They are also offering a cleanse sale (3-days for $99 or 5-days for $165 for this week only!)!
Click here to order!

Shop My Favorite Things!
Superhero Mascara
This is AMAZING! Click here
This mascara, especially combined with lashboost, makes your eyelashes look insane!! You can order lashboost from me, feel free to comment below and I’ll email you info. Lashboost is awesome for natural looking amazing lashes without using extensions! I’ll be writing a post about this soon. See my insta highlights for more info, here.
Here are some of my picks for water bottles, I like to hydrate all day long everyday and especially during a juice cleanse, it’s extra important.
Also, my most favorite water ever, sodastream (I own 4 of them)! I drink it with just lemon or plain!! No sugar, no additives!
My favorite thing! Sodastream, click here
I love this water bottle! Click here
and here
And these, click here
Have you done a juice cleanse? How did you feel, what was the hardest part? Comment below, I would love to hear your experience!
Have a wonderful week.
Here’s to a happy and healthy 2018!
Click here to shop my looks.