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New Year’s Eve for me has always been a special day as it’s also my birthday!! YAY!! The fact that it’s my birthday always gets me wondering, oh brother, what will I do this year?? I imagine that’s actually what everyone thinks about NYE, however, for some reason I feel I’ve pressured myself for years to go out instead of stay in. I will say that every year I think to myself, you know what would be nice? To stay in and sit on the couch with take out, watching the ball drop in my pjs… and yet somehow, that has not happened since I was…probably 14. In case you’re going out this year and want some ideas, I’ve linked nine new years eve looks and ideas to get you noticed this year (the last day of the year)!

This year, for me, WILL be different! I’m still figuring out what to wear as this year as I will be in THAILAND!! Oh my gosh! I’m so excited! So there will be no couch sitting for me, I will be with friends in Chiang Mai meditating with Monks and then participating in a lantern release!! Have you guys ever done one?? I CANNOT WAIT! If you know me (or you’ll find out if not) that every year I set goals and intentions for the next year and release/let go of the things in life that are not serving me. I’m working on a goal setting post for you guys now!
The dress I’m wearing here is Bebe (similar look) and I actually purchased it a few years ago and wore for a party at a restaurant in 2010 and then I wore it again for a house party last year in 2015! If you’re going out to a NYE event, I always love sparkle and some sort of sequin situation for the occasion!
Black is always a winner (and hopefully you can find something in your closet to repurpose). Other ideas are metallics, gold, and silver.
Of course, it depends on what you’re doing and where you are going, so not everyone will want to bling that much.

Find details on jewelry and nails in this post: 3 Killer Way to Save on Your Holiday Look

Here is your BicoastalBeauty tip of the week: to center yourself and look and feel better during this busy time of year, I challenge you to force yourself to take just 5 minutes for you today! FIVE MINUTES! Especially in this busy holiday time, honor YOU during your morning cup of coffee, at work – steal away for a walk or to sit alone in the break room (or bathroom if you have to) or while your child naps. Reflect and remind yourself: you are doing the best you can and you are AMAZING!!

Please leave comments below! What else do you want to read about and see? I would be grateful to hear from you! Happy Holidays and don’t forget to ask for a happy surprise today!
Here are my picks for Nine New Year’s Eve Numbers to get you noticed, enjoy!
Click the images for more information:
Revolve Dolce & Gabbana
Aidan Mattox
These are all very cute! I love this dress on you, it looks so trendy now even though you got it awhile back! You could even wear it with another a-line skirt over because the top is so freaking adorable!