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Hi Friends! Happy Monday, how did your May Mantras go? I encourage you to set one for June too, yes even though it’s mid-month it’s not too late! Use this post here to set your June intention). Now, what does that mean to follow the flow, to be in flow with the universe? Do you ever wonder, how you can be in alignment in you life? If you are curious I have a few suggestions below…
Sometimes when something just isn’t going our way and we try to force it and try to make it happen,), we’re not living in flow with the universe.
When we are struggling against the current, against the energy of our lives it’s best to to pause, recognize it and re-focus. But what does that mean?
When I say, “in flow with the universe” imagine the feeling of wanting something and the universe is conspiring with us to make it happen. It’s the times when we get a lucky break here or there, we get the phone call from someone we had just been thinking about.This happens when we are guided in our steps to have things work closer to the outcome we want. That’s when we know the universe agrees and is working with us to make something happen.
When we are not in flow with the universe sometimes we are forcing things to happen and they keep not going our way. When I say “force”I mean to push and try to make happen, the way we “think” we should be living.
A simple example of not living in flow is a few years ago when I was still living in Boston one of my dear friends wanted to move to California. She tried to get a job out there, she tried to make the move happen, she kept trying to push it and month after month and she kept coming up against roadblocks every turn she made. She was so frustrated that she couldn’t make what she wanted happen;all the while it was the universe telling her, “don’t do this, I am making this move to California hard because it’s not in flow with the plan for you and your life.”
Then on the flip side, around that time I had been on a trip to San Diego for work and thought, “maybe I could live in California?” After I became willing to consider a move and said it out loud, that’s exactly what happened for me. Living in flow is the example of how two months later a job nearly fell into my lap in San Diego, an apartment worked out easily for me and my good friend said she would join me to drive cross country to help me move. When the universe conspires WITH you to make something happen, go with it, live in flow.
If you are getting stop signs, warning signs, do not enter…then, back-up, step back and re-center. Ask yourself, what should you do? Ask the universe to point you in the right direction, to show you the next right indicated step and show you the way to go.
Another suggestion is to loosen your grip on that thing your are trying so hard to get. Sometimes the universe cannot help us if we’re holding on so tight to what we think we want. If you are getting signs that it’s not in alignment, loosen that grip, offer it up and see what happens next! Then the universe can take it from you and point you in the right direction .
From my experience, usually when I loosen up the grip, let go and let the universe take the reins, the outcome is better than I could have dreamt it to be!!
Here’s your Bicoastal Beauty tip of the week: I suggest checking out Gabby Bernstein’s book: The Universe Has Your Back it’s SO good, I am re-reading it again now. She talks about this concept in her book and how to get the support of the universe.
P.S. My friend who wanted to move to California so badly…after she let go and let the universe take control, 3 weeks later she met her finance (IN BOSTON) and I’ll be a bridesmaid in their wedding THIS WEEK!!! Catherine Hummel
Now that’s living in flow of the universe!
Tell me below, is there something you’re not living in flow with and need to give it to the universe to live in flow? Or what cool coincidental ways has the universe helped move you along to show you it’s conspiring WITH You? Tell me below and have a wonderful week!