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Happy Monday, friends! It’s the second Monday in May and last week I was thinking I wanted to create a radical shift in myself and my energy in May. So for May and Mondays and Motivation Monday’s and Mantra’s I decided to choose one word for May for a new intention/mantra to carry through the month….and I challenge you to do the same!
As you get to know me you’ll find that I try to be as positive as I can and to choose positivity on a daily basis. It’s not always easy, it’s a practice, it takes practice… like yoga, like meditation. And I will be writing more posts on this, if it’s of interest as it’s something I focus on a lot in my life. So now for the mantra….
What’s something in your life you want to
- change or to amend?
- something you want to work on?
- something you want more of?
For me, I have been incredibility busy with life. My work is very busy right now, I’ve been trying to keep up with my blogs/Instagram, travel and personal obligations and I notice it has me speaking a little more, negatively than I want. Just a lot of “I’m so busy this and I’m so busy that” someone asks, how are you? And I say, I’m busy! Let’s face it, who’s NOT busy (did you see the article in the NY Times on busy)?? And I don’t want busy to be my answer, or the way I speak about my life and to others.
I’m choosing my mantra for May to be JOY! I am going to choose to consciously shift my perspective on my words and to choose to be more joyful in everything I do. The truth is I’m ALWAYS going to be busy and can be stressed often and instead, I’m going to wake up and say, “Today I choose to speak positively about my day and my life.” Today I’m going to say, “I am blessed to get to go to work, to share my instagram with all you wonderful supporters, to travel for my job, to travel for my personal life….” and when I get overwhelmed, to stop, pause take a breath and re-center. I choose JOYand see the good and have gratitude for all that is in this beautiful life I get to live today.
With that said, I challenge you too, choose a mantra for May! What do you want want to manifest in May!??! What word intention do you want to live in May? Tell me below!? I’m excited to hear yours!!!! Also, this takes practice so every week I’ll ask you and remind you to be saying your mantra! Keep that high vibration energy going all MAY!
Here’s your Bicoastal Beauty tip of the week: After you choose your word, write it down on a post it and tape it next to your bed or on your bathroom mirror. Say it out loud each day (with intention) to remind yourself of your intention! Have a wonderful MAY, friends!

Great mantra for May babe! I’m not sure what mine is but I could use one even though half of May is gone … xo
Thanks, lady! You can still create one, there is time left in May!! GO for it! xoxo