

November Numerology & Goal Setting, What You Need to Know Today to Finish the Year STRONG!

Hi Friends, holy cow, how is it November!?? If you’re ready to hear what direction the universe is flowing for November and how to close out the year strong, you’ve come to the right place. Today I have my friend, Sharyn, joining us from Durban, South Africa to share some insight on what’s to come in […]

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Blush and Bashful, Off the Shoulder Top

Happy Thursday, friends! It’s been a really cool week, did you see the KUSI news update yesterday where I was showing off a gorgeous Macy’s dress for Opening Day at the Del Mar Track? If not, you can see more on my Instagram HERE and Facebook HERE.  I’ll be posting it again tomorrow on my social pages. […]

Follow the Flow of the Universe

Hi Friends! Happy Monday, how did your May Mantras go? I encourage you to set one for June too, yes even though it’s mid-month it’s not too late! Use this post here to set your June intention). Now, what does that mean to follow the flow, to be in flow with the universe? Do you ever […]

3 Simple Steps to Manifest What You Want in Your Life

The other weekend I attended an amazing workshop on manifestation. It was put on by Nicole Moore from Love Works and I loved the reminder to focus on one thing we want and BELIEVE it is already on it’s way (among other things) to bring it into our lives. So how do we manifest? Follow […]

Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude! Hi Friends, How was your weekend? Mine was great, very full and eventful! It’s my goal for May to bring you motivational posts each week and this week I want to focus on an attitude of gratitude!


Mantra May

Happy Monday, friends! It’s the second Monday in May and last week I was thinking I wanted to create a radical shift in myself and my energy in May. So for May and Mondays and Motivation Monday’s and Mantra’s I decided to choose one word for May for a new intention/mantra to carry through the […]


Traversing Thailand, Chiang Mai Lantern Release & Sunrise Hike

Click here to – Follow my blog with Bloglovin Have you signed up for my blog? You will get a pop-up from your browser, look out for it and sign up there, that way you will be the first to get my posts 🙂 I hope you are enjoying  the Traversing Thailand series, and if you […]