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The Precious Treasure Inside…

Hi Friends, You know those pretty turquoise light blue boxes with the silk white bows? They rhyme with epiphany (hehe) and you know where it’s from the moment you get one? When I see them, I immediately imagine what’s inside is going to be a wonderful surprise, a sparkling gem or precious treasure. And in […]


How to Wear Summer Stripes

Hi Friends, Happy summer! It’s finally here and in San Diego it’s actually feeling like summer. The May gray, June gloom has finally cleared, YAY!! (Yes that’s a real thing)…! I’m pulling out my summer wardrobe (do you guys do that…store your winter and summer clothes separately) and showing you how to wear and style […]

Follow the Flow of the Universe

Hi Friends! Happy Monday, how did your May Mantras go? I encourage you to set one for June too, yes even though it’s mid-month it’s not too late! Use this post here to set your June intention). Now, what does that mean to follow the flow, to be in flow with the universe? Do you ever […]

3 Simple Steps to Manifest What You Want in Your Life

The other weekend I attended an amazing workshop on manifestation. It was put on by Nicole Moore from Love Works and I loved the reminder to focus on one thing we want and BELIEVE it is already on it’s way (among other things) to bring it into our lives. So how do we manifest? Follow […]

Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude! Hi Friends, How was your weekend? Mine was great, very full and eventful! It’s my goal for May to bring you motivational posts each week and this week I want to focus on an attitude of gratitude!

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Pink & Pleats + 3 Tips for Spring Staples

The weather in San Diego has been a bit wonky the past few months, cold days and  warm days, then rain, rain, rain!! Last week when we had  spring weather, I had an event at the Estancia in La Jolla for the San Diego Magazine Brunch event. I pulled out this pink pleated midi skirt […]


Lighten Your Layers for Spring & How to Style That Blanket Scarf

It’s still winter for a little longer so let’s talk about lightening your winter layers and which layers to keep around until spring! I’ll also show you how I style my blanket scarf. If you have a blanket scarf from the fall, pull that sucker out and use it for winter into spring layering! I’m […]

Playful Plaid

Please click here to – Follow my blog with Bloglovin Happy day friends, I took a little time off from the blog as I was off traveling after Christmas in Thailand! Now I’m back and ready to take on the New Year! Did you see my last post? Did you set your goals and intentions!? If […]