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Tulle! Two Ways for the Holidays

Usually when I think of tulle I think of ballerinas, do you? Maybe because when I was very little I took ballet and wore a tulle tutu to a recital and always had one of those little jewelry music boxes with the ballerina who would spin and a song would play when you opened it. Did […]

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Blush and Bashful, Off the Shoulder Top

Happy Thursday, friends! It’s been a really cool week, did you see the KUSI news update yesterday where I was showing off a gorgeous Macy’s dress for Opening Day at the Del Mar Track? If not, you can see more on my Instagram HERE and Facebook HERE.  I’ll be posting it again tomorrow on my social pages. […]


How to Wear Summer Stripes

Hi Friends, Happy summer! It’s finally here and in San Diego it’s actually feeling like summer. The May gray, June gloom has finally cleared, YAY!! (Yes that’s a real thing)…! I’m pulling out my summer wardrobe (do you guys do that…store your winter and summer clothes separately) and showing you how to wear and style […]


A Fun A-Brooch to a LBD

Hi Friends! Happy Sunday. How is your weekend going? Are you watching the Oscars? I am watching and loving all of the dresses, especially Michelle Williams with the plunging neckline. What did you think of Dakota Johnson in Gucci?? Octavia Spencer looked stunning in Marchesa, Emma Stone wowed me in Givenchy Haute Couture and Matt […]

Oversized Sweater Sunday

Hi Friends! Happy oversized superbowl sweater Sunday! Heheh. Are you going to any parties today or hosting one? Who are you rooting for? I am going to hit a party and leave at halftime to watch the rest at home while I finish getting ready for the week. And I’ll be rooting for the Patriots […]

Playful Plaid

Please click here to – Follow my blog with Bloglovin Happy day friends, I took a little time off from the blog as I was off traveling after Christmas in Thailand! Now I’m back and ready to take on the New Year! Did you see my last post? Did you set your goals and intentions!? If […]

3 Killer Ways to Save on Your Holiday Look!

Is it a Cape or a Poncho? Fall Trends…(or a classic look it turns out)!

Poncho, cape, Nordstrom, Fall, Booties, Tory Burch, BP, Target Mossimo, burberry, fashion, trends, jeans, articles of society, black, gray, white, grey

Have you guys tried the cape/poncho trend? What do you think? Let me know, comment below!! The thing I love about this poncho is that it’s basically a giant blanket and it’s acceptable to wear in public…. it looks classy and elegant and you never know what could be hiding underneath! jkjk It’s also great […]